2020 · Ferrania P30 · 35mm
form evidences time and time modifies form
quality of form, different in magnitude
blended by time's passing
meld into stories of contrast and mimicry
2019 · Fomapan 100 · 35mm
form's steady embrace
contours carved by hands of time
shapes etched in the clay
2020 · Fomapan 100 · 35mm
time's relentless flow
a river winding through life
eroding all forms
2020 · Ferrania P30 · 35mm
in sculptures of stone
ancient echoes frozen still
time's artistry shows
2022 · Ilford HP5 · 4x5
but mountains crumble
and the mighty rivers change
time's brush never stills
2022 · Ilford FP4 · 35mm
form's delicate bloom
petals opening in time
a flower's brief grace
2022 · Ilford HP5 · 4x5
the seasons whirl by
leaves fall, then return anew
time's circle unbroken
2022 · Ilford HP5 · 4x5
in human stories
characters, they find their glories
a narrative with time
2022 · Svema 200 · 35mm
the canvas of life
form and time in endless strife
paints each day anew
2022 · Svema 200 · 35mm
from the first breath's cry
to the final goodbye's sigh
time's rhythm weaves life
2022 · Ilford FP4 · 35mm
form and time align
in this world, both yours and mine
a symphony sublime
2021 · Ferrania P30 · 35mm
form and time entwine
in nature and in our lives
a symphony of change
Text from ChatGPT3.5 Prompt: "Can you write a 10 stanza haiku about form and time"
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