2021 · Fuji Provia 100 · 4x5
time modifies form and form evidences time
time scales, different in magnitude
colliding together by time's passing
meld into stories of contrast and mimicry
2021 · Kodak Portra 160 · 35mm
Of Form and Time, I sing, celestial themes
In epic verse, where worlds entwined, it seems
A tale unfolds of contrast, bold and grand
Wherein these forces shape both sea and land
2021 · Kodak Portra 160 · 35mm
In form's embrace, creation takes its stand
With lines and curves, in sculpted worlds so grand
From galaxies to grains of desert sand
The cosmic dance, where form and time expand
2021 · Kodak Portra 160 · 35mm
Yet Time, unceasing, like a river's flow
Inexorably ebbs, with ceaseless tow
It carves the mountains high, the valleys low
And bids the seasons change, as winters go
2021 · Fuji Superia 400 · 35mm
In form, the echoes of the past are etched
In stone and steel, their tales forever stretched
The pyramids and castles, still respected
A testament to time, they stand erected
2020 · Fuji Provia 100 · 35mm
But Time, a shape-shifter, takes on many forms
Its cycles, rhythms, in the heart it warms
The aging face, where wisdom's furrow storms
Yet youth persists, in passion's fire it warms
2021 · Fuji Provia 100 · 120
Form's symmetry, a source of beauty, rare
In patterns found, beyond compare, we dare
The petals of a rose, a perfect pair
In form, we see a glimpse of heaven's care
2019 · Kodak 400 · 35mm
Time, as a river, carries all away
From youth's bright morn to twilight's somber gray
It whispers secrets in the twilight's sway
A tale of birth and death, in its display
2020 · Fuji Provia 100 · 35mm
In form and time, the universe takes flight
In endless day and everlasting night
A dance of forces, woven, ever tight
In their embrace, creation's purest light
2021 · Fuji Provia 100 · 4x5
So let us ponder, in this cosmic rhyme
The union of form and time, divine
In their eternal tango, they combine
To shape the worlds we see, in grand design
2020 · Fuji 400 · 35mm
In form and time, we find our destined role
The threads of life, the essence of the soul
Through fleeting moments and the ages' scroll
They paint the canvas of our human goal
Text from ChatGPT3.5 Prompt: "Can you write a 12 stanza poem in the style of Paradise Lost by Milton about form and time?"
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